السّيرة الذّاتيّة للمُبَجّلة

I am a general neurologist who has been seeing both children and adults since completing my residency in 1994. I have been a faculty member with UNM Hospital since that time as well. I participate on the inpatient pediatric neurology consultation service, assist with teaching, and participate with our weekly child neurology case conferences. I am the Principal Investigator for several state funded grants to help care for the Children of New Mexico through Children?s Medical Services, which is an outreach program to hold clinics around the state. I am also the Principal Investigator for three different grants, which help manage the care of adults with developmental disabilities. We provide clinical services, social work, trainings for nurses, guardians, family members, social workers, and support staff for people with developmental disabilities. We have in town clinics, outreach clinics, do mortality reviews for people who were living in the state-affiliated group homes, and have behavioral support clinics.

مجالات التخصص

الكبار الذين يعانون من إعاقات في النمو




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